Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Dear students,
A warm welcome to the Cluster of Islamic Leadership and Management.
The last couple of years has been a roller coaster ride with the existence of the Pandemic, building up uncertainty, frustration and numerous challenges not only in the academic world but throughout our entire life ecosystem. Alhamdulillah, you have made it through and here you are embarking on the exciting journey of knowledge seeking with the spirit of Islamic virtues.
The university acknowledges the fact that the new norm of the business world is exposed to the volatile changes and oscillations in the global economy and technological situations. In preparing students to face unpredictable and dynamic environments, the Cluster focuses on the development of competencies in the graduates in managing and adapting to changes with guidance from the Islamic substance. The aim is to ensure that future graduates acquire the necessary leadership competency and possess the essential managerial soft skills, particularly in the business inter-related dimensions with righteous Akhlak, ethical and professional behavior within the dynamic environment.
With the blessing from Al-mighty and perseverance, the cluster develops an innovative, fun and conducive teaching-learning environment for its members to adapt to the new norm. To all students in the class of 2022, may the next coming years take you on a remarkable journey of discovery that begins here.
Congratulations, and welcome.
Head, Cluster of Islamic Leadership and Management
Universiti Islam Malaysia